Sunday, November 7, 2010

Unfair treatment vs. Idiocy

Actually, no, your signs aren't racist.  What's racist is that two thirds of the signs I saw when I googled "Tea Party Movement" were racist.  The Press isn't calling you racist; you're doing racist things.  Not all tea partiers, but enough to make people take note.  Plus, according to the latest gallop poll, 82% of tea partiers support the new immigration law in Arizona and are anti same sex marriage.  Surprisingly, holding those sentiments tend to make you look bigoted/racist.  Shocking, I know.
Hawaii is not a foreign country.  It's really not.  We acquired it in 1959.  It's in my history textbook and everything.  Maybe you could try validating your facts before hurling them out uselessly in an argument?
Really.  You expect people to not take offense/take notice of you when you're so blatantly offensive?  Maybe if you had a real argument, you'd get people to listen to your viewpoints.  Please stop telling me that you're all about economic issues when this sign is clearly not emphasizing a primarily economic viewpoint.  The communist Russia symbol is clearly secondary to President Obama in his supposed tribal garb. This sign makes me sick to my stomach.  But, it's necessary to acknowledge.  This is an ugly thing, looking at signs like this is going to be ugly.
Yeah.  I refuse to believe that the press is really warping your views that much.  Here's the rest of the story: When you use arguments that rely upon the race of your opponent; you're going to come off as racist.  Just explain to me what this sign has to do with anything political besides the fact that you're angry with the president?  Just tell me why this sign helps your cause/furthers your economic viewpoint.  That's all I want.  Then I'll maybe listen to the rest of your story. Maybe then, the press (and those of us reading the "propaganda" the press puts out) will stop calling you racist.  

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