Saturday, April 16, 2011

Odds and Ends

I talked in class today guys!  And I was relevant!  I'm doing this new thing where instead of listening quietly, I'm going to tell you my opinions!  Since no one reads my blog-not a guilt trip, just a fact- I figured that I could try expressing my opinions verbally.  Oh man, oh man, gush.
Talking in class has always been a struggle for me.  I'm one for listening to everyone's opinion before expressing my own, in fear of repeating myself or saying something trite. My heart flutters before I speak; it is truly nerve wracking.  But, ironically enough, on the Day of Silence, I opened my mouth.  Let's keep this up!


  1. Beth,

    Why are you not showing up in my RSS feed? Today I decided to read through all the blog and suddenly here are your dozen and a half posts for this term and I'm mortified that I missed them!

    But, if my failure to read them lead you to your speaking up in class, at least there was a good outcome.

