Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Grilled Cheesus

Glee talked about religion tonight...
Here's what upsets me:
Too many people confuse God with an entity that involves itself in daily life.  They say that God is cruel for allowing atrocities to happen.  Kurt says "I feel like God is Santa Claus for adults...and if he does exist, he is cruel."
My problem, in a nutshell:
Why does God have to be involved directly in human life?
There's this school of thought called Deism, and everyone seems afraid to address it.  People assert that if they can't directly contact God, he must not exist.  Or, if he does exist, he's cruel because he doesn't answer every single prayer or stop horrible things from happening.
Why are we not allowed to have a middle ground here?  Maybe there is a God, maybe there's not.  Is there a definitive case for and against him?  Absolutely.  However, I should be free to think that he doesn't concern himself with my daily life but still believe in his existence.  Yes, I can feel faith, but is it so wrong to think that it's selfish to expect God to be a genie?
Great episode, the songs were good and everything.  I loved the message for acceptance of religious beliefs (Being a universalist means that I have a tendency to do that).  However, I do wish that they had addressed (deeply) the alternate viewpoints besides faith and not having faith.  It's not a black and white thing.

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